Skyrocket Your ANNUAL GCI By Multi 6 & 7 Figures Using The New "Automated Listing Presentation" Method

The video will explain how we've helped 40+ Established CAD/US Real Estate Pros grow & if it's the right fit for you.

Watch This Brief 6 minute Video Above & Then Apply for an Intro Call Below

Our Partnership Application!

Dear Real Estate Agent,

Our number #1 goal is truly to help you as a sales professional dominate your market & reach your full potential.

We work exclusively with a particular type of real estate professional.

To ensure we can help, we will not try & sell you on our partnership program.

Instead, we will simply tell you who it's for... AND who it's NOT for.

- Accelerate Agent Growth Team

Our Program Is For:

✅ Agents already doing OVER $10K/m in GCI

✅ Agents who are stuck on the revenue rollercoaster

✅ Agents relying too heavily on referrals

✅ Agents who feel like they don't truly have control over their income

✅ Agents who are hungry, growth oriented & willing to do the work most won't

✅ Agents who seek reliable & experienced marketing professionals

Our Program Is Not For:

🚫 Agents who aren't already listing & selling consistently

🚫 Agents who have been in their market for less than 12 months

🚫 Agents chasing quick cash & don't understand long term growth

🚫 Agents who aren't willing to work extremely hard

🚫 Agents who aren't coachable / open minded

🚫 Agents who want a BMW, AMG or Range Rover before they can afford it

Who we are...

The Accelerate Agent Growth Partnership Program

The Accelerate Agent Growth Partnership Program IS NOT a service. It's a partnership.

We aim to become an extension of your real estate business & truly be your long term marketing partners.

Our primary objective while working together is scaling listing acquisition (because that's where the $$$ is).

However, we also help with personal branding, buyer acquisition, database reactivation, appointment setting, local SEO, content strategy & so much more!

🏆 Check Out Our Client Wins 🏆

Here's what a few of our clients AND marketing mentees have to say...

1 Closing in 45 Days

3 Potential Listings in 90 Days

4 Qualified Listing Appts Set in 21 Days

$1 2 Million Dollar Potential Listing

2 Listing Appts Set & 1 Potential Double Ended Deal in 8 Days

“Lead quality was much better from social media ads than Google PPC...”

"Has given me the confidence..."

"It's your own system..."

"They were good leads..."

"Your team is the best..."

“You had a plan laid out for every scenario...”

“I was able to connect with people outside of my network in 1 day...”

More Results Just in Case You're Still Scrolling...👇


Before: Running and managing her own google ads and struggled due to consistency

After: 61 leads, 2 seller leads and 3 appointments in 10 days

Martina Unger is a seasoned real estate agent who has worked for 10 years at CIR Realty in Red Deer. Before, she tried using Google Ads to find customers, but it wasn't working very well. Then, she decided to try a special 10-day program called the Accelerate Trial. This program took care of her ads, so she could focus on talking to people who wanted to buy or sell houses. During the trial, she had so many conversations that she asked to slow down the leads, which is a good problem to have. In just 10 days, she got 61 leads, 2 seller leads, and set up 3 appointments. The trial helped her see how successful she can be.

"The Leads were good overall…lots of the stuff you do is (inspired) by Craig Proctor and I liked that…Overall everything was good and you were quite helpful."

Market: Red Deer, AB

Result: 61 leads, 2 seller leads and 3 appointments in 10 days

Frequently Asked Questions❓

Will leads be exclusive to me?

Yes! All leads generated won't just be exclusive but you also own the system too in case we ever part ways.

How much do you charge?

Our services range from $700 per month, all the way up to $2,500 per month.

An agent wanting to hit an extra 10 listings per month needs a very different service & strategy than the agent that "just wants to get their name out there more".

We cater to individual agents, team leads & entire brokerages.

To receive an accurate estimate on what a marketing budget should look like based on your goals, schedule a demo call & we'll walk you through the process.

What differentiates you from other lead generation companies?

We are not in the business of providing leads and expecting the agent to go off and close them. We know this never works.‍

Instead we have a unique hybrid model where we provide done-for-you services backed by workshop calls and lead conversion training and resources by our top performing agents.‍

This way our success managers can analyze your conversations and assist you whenever you need help.

What % of your case studies are successful? What is the breakdown?

100% of our clients who follow the process, ask questions when they arise, show up and do the work are successful.

We’re going to make sure you get a massive return on your investment.

When does this not work? Why are people not successful?

There are people who succeed with the program, and there are people who don’t succeed in the program at all. 

The honest truth as to why they succeed is because it’s simply because they do the work. They show up, ask questions when they arise, and hold themselves accountable in order to get the results and outcomes they want to get. 

Those who don’t succeed tend to have a victim mindset, and they invest in programs like this, thinking that all the work is going to be done for them, and they just sit back and relax, snap their fingers and get all the money.

This is a partnership. And the only way it’s going to work is if you also put in the work.

If you have the work ethic and have a track record of putting in the work, then you’re going to succeed in partnering with us as well.

We’re going to do our part, and we need you to do yours.

How do I know if I’m ready for this? 

There's never a "perfect" time to make a change. If you wait until you feel 100% ready, you'll be waiting forever.

Most real estate agents get caught up doing everything else, focusing on things in the wrong sequence and not focusing on the one thing that could really impact their business: setting up a consistent and predictable lead generation process. 

You're probably great at selling houses, but those skills go to waste if you have no one to sell houses to. You can't close deals with leads you don't have.

The truth is that your income depends on the number of leads and sales opportunities you generate per month. No leads mean no opportunities, which leads to no sales. The more leads you get, the more you earn. 

That's where we come in, and help you with not only the lead generation but also assisting in the online lead conversion as well. 

Our program helps you focus on the right activities in the right sequence so you can achieve success faster. 

If your current approach strategies aren't working, and you’re feeling frustrated and you want to progress quicker, this is for you.


Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are what you can potentially make based on my and my client's sales figures. Please understand these results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who follows any “how-to” information gets little to no results.

I am using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors…including but not limited to your background, individual capacity, business skills and experience, your work ethic, and diligence in implementing and taking action in the program.

All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you.

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